Fresh Thoughts: KISS


What Should We Keep, Improve, Stop or Start?

On Sunday, I’ll be heading to Tri-Cities, Washington, for my first NABC/USHBC Fall Meetings.

I’m really looking forward to it.

The schedule is packed, there are a lot of important NABC/USHBC reports and updates to share, and we’re at capacity. For the past several months, our team has been working closely with the Washington Blueberry Commission and its Executive Director Alan Schreiber to help host and prepare for these meetings. Alan and his team are pulling out all the stops to welcome the blueberry industry to eastern Washington. We’re grateful for the collaboration and partnership!

I’m encouraged by the enthusiasm around attendance. The tour is full (three tour buses), the NABC dinner is sold out and our meeting rooms will be at capacity. 

The location of these meetings certainly adds to the enthusiasm and high attendance numbers; folks want to see this growing production region, and so do I. 

With so many of our members attending, I’m looking forward to grabbing some one-on-one time with as many people as I can while we’re there. I look forward to getting to know everyone I meet, where they’re from, what they grow and how things are going. 

During these conversations, I’ll be taking notes on the value people feel NABC and USHBC currently brings to the industry. I’ll also be listening for how the organizations can be of more service. In other words, I’m looking forward to hearing what people think we should Keep, Improve, Stop or Start doing, aka K.I.S.S.

I recognize that not everyone is able to join us next week, so I want to offer an opportunity to connect via a Zoom meeting. A Zoom meeting allows for both a video conference or conference by phone. I prefer video conference, if at all possible, especially for introductory purposes and since we’re meeting for the first time. However, the phone is always an option. 

If you’d like to offer your thoughts on the K.I.S.S. for NABC and USHBC, I’d love to hear from you. The link below lets you book a 30-minute time slot on my calendar for our discussion. I look forward to the time together:

My best,

I’m also hoping to receive some more photos from all of the families we serve. I’ve received a handful, but I’m hoping to receive dozens, recognizing that we serve hundreds of farmers and their families. So, please don’t forget to send me your family picture!

Here is a great photo of Mark Hurst and his family on their farm in Oregon. Please consider sending one from your family that we can add to our growing collection.