

The NABC is driven to serve our members – and the blueberry industry – with great optimism about the future and the opportunities in front of us. The work of our committees paves the path forward.

Executive Committee

Directs all business and operations of the NABC, supporting efforts to drive success and profitability in the production and distribution of blueberries in North America and around the world.

Teddy Koukoulis

Teddy Koukoulis



Ellie Norris

Ellie Norris



Chelsea Consalo

Chelsea Consalo


New Jersey

Tom Avinelis

Tom Avinelis



Ryan Lockman

Ryan Lockman

Member at Large


Pat Goin

Pat Goin

Past Chair


Nominating Committee

Solicits nominations for NABC officers from among the NABC Board of Directors. Also solicits nominations for the voting members of the board of directors from the membership. Presents all nominations to the membership for voting. 

Pat Goin, Chair

Pat Goin, Chair

Tom Avinelis

Ellie Norris

Tom Bodtke

Neil Moore

Bo Slack

Teddy Koukoulis, NABC Chair (ex-officio)

Finance Committee

Oversees the financial affairs of the NABC, including the recommendation and monitoring of the yearly NABC budget.

Tom Avinelis, Chair

Tom Avinelis, Chair

Tom Bodtke

Ellie Norris

Ernesto Diaz

Jason Smith

Jennifer McCarthy

Teddy Koukoulis, NABC Chair (ex-officio)

Bylaws Committee

Maintains NABC Bylaws; reviews and proposes recommended updates and helps to interpret the bylaws.

Tom Bodtke, Chair

Tom Bodtke, Chair

Ryan Lockman

Todd Sanders

Tom Avinelis

Andy Brannen

Pat Goin

Teddy Koukoulis, NABC Chair (ex-officio)

Government Affairs Committee

Serves as an NABC voice in legislative matters; helps coordinate NABC member responses to potential issues; and participates in legislative and governmental educational efforts with other agricultural groups.

Ellie Norris, Chair

Ellie Norris, Chair

Cort Brazelton

Alex Cornelius

Ernesto Diaz

Brittany Lee

Ryan Lockman

Jason Smith

Brad Moorer

Brandon Raso

Kolby Lewis


Teddy Koukoulis, NABC Chair (ex-officio)

Awards Committee

Manages recruitment of new NABC members; considers and recommends potential recipients for NABC awards.

Neil Moore, Chair

Neil Moore, Chair

Cort Brazelton

Chad Don

Bonnie Lundblad

Chelsea Consalo


Teddy Koukoulis, NABC Chair (ex-officio)

United Blueberry

Advisory Committee

Joe Barsi, Chair

Joe Barsi, Chair

Tom Avinelis

Tom Avinelis


JC Clinard

JC Clinard

Carlos Correa

Carlos Correa


Gonzalo de Elizalde

Gonzalo de Elizalde


Juan Ignacio Allende

Juan Ignacio Allende


David Jackson

David Jackson


Steve Magami

Steve Magami


Andrew Maiman

Andrew Maiman


Gonzalo Canessa

Gonzalo Canessa

South America

Nicholas Osmulski

Nicholas Osmulski


Robert Samano

Robert Samano


Daniel Bustamante

Daniel Bustamante


Steve Phillips

Steve Phillips


USDA Foods Procurement Task Force

Works with the Legislative Committee to promote and advocate for NABC’s policy platform.

John Shelford, Chair

John Shelford, Chair

Jeff Malensky

David Zapf

Cristian Vivanco

Haley Noonan

Shelly Hartmann

Trade Task Force

Jeff Malensky, Chair

Jeff Malensky, Chair

Christy Butler

Andrew Maiman

Luciano Fiszman

Ellie Norris

John Duval